Thursday, February 18, 2016

Barton Level 3 Game: Drop It!

A few weeks ago I arrived at my tutoring student's after school program and realized I had forgotten to bring a game with me! I ALWAYS end tutoring sessions with a little game because it helps motivate the kids and it's my sneaky way of practicing concepts. 

I had five minutes to brainstorm and just my usual tutoring supplies at hand so I came up with this:

Drop It!

Materials: a whiteboard (or a large poster board), a marker, letter tiles


1. Make a 5 x 6 grid 

2. Write words without the first letter in each box. For example: for "bent" you would write "ent".

3. Gather a handful of letter tiles that would make a real word out of some of the words on the board. The ones I used include: B, D, F, G, H, J, L, M, N, P, QU, R, S, T, V, W, Y, SH, TH


Each player chooses a color marker to be theirs. We did blue and red. 

Taking turns, each player selects one letter tile and attempts to drop it (from a standing position, no bending knees allowed) onto the board. 

When the player successfully drops a letter tile onto a word they read the word with that letter as the first letter. For example, if player 1 chooses T and it lands on UNT they would say "TUNT". If they read it correctly they get one point, signified by a slash / . If they make a real word they get two points, signified by two slashes, making an X over the square. 

There are a couple options for how to end the game. You can time it to the end of the game period or the end of the lesson. OR you can go until all the squares have been hit. 

The player with the most points at the end wins!

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